
вторник, 2 мая 2017 г.

Новые цветоносы и побеги у драцены


2 комментария:

  1. Wow, this is gorgeous!! Google translate says it's a dracena? Is it a special kind of dracena? Also, came to your blog from a Google search on begonia. The picture read Jiniginga/Ginny galaxy. It is absolutely lovely! Do you know if it is available in any webshop? Thanks in advance! :) /

  2. Hello! Yes, it's dracaena. The species is called Dracaena surculosa (= Dracaena godseffiana). Look at it in Google images. Begonia 'Jiniginga' (= Begonia 'Jini Ginga', = Begonia 'Ginny galaxy') is unlikely to be available in any webshop. It is better to look for it from the begonias collectors. You can also find out about it in the local Begonias Society.
