
четверг, 21 сентября 2017 г.

Выставка "Улица Дальнего Востока" 2017 (Exhibition "The Street of the Far East") - 6

Амурская область (Amur Region):

Area 361,9 thousand km2

Soy accounts for 40% of the total produce of the Russia by volume. Amur Region is the breadbasket of the Russian Far East and the major soy producer in the country. It possesses 53% of the fertile land of the Russian Far East.

It ranks third in Russia by number of Chinese tourist visits. Its unique geographical position and proximity to China create favorable conditions for the development of tourism.

The region is implementing a project of national importance: the construction of the Vostochny Cosmodrome. In the past few decades, Tsiolkovsky has been created from the ground up. It is the only such city in the history of modern Russia.

The exposition covers all aspects of the life and economy of Priamurye: from agriculture to the industrial applications of natural gas.

The entrance room to the pavilion is made in a form of part of a hydroelectric power station, with constantly circulating water. At the other end, the visitor will find the interactive exhibition zone, Albazin Stockade. Impressive illumination is provided at night.

In the center of the pavilion, a 3D map of investment projects offers an overview of Amur Oblast, its location, and its competitive advantages.

Visitors have a chance to "take a trip to space," go on a virtual tour to ISS, and try some space food.

The interactive zone "Pick one hectare of land in Amur Region" makes it possible not only to file an application in an easy way, but also to hear about the region's success stories and try organic honey produced by the first people to get their own hectares of land.

Площадь 361,9 тыс. км2

Сбор сои составляет 40 % в РФ. Амурская область – житница Дальнего Востока, основной производитель сои в стране. 53% плодородных земель Дальнего Востока.

3 место в России по приёму китайских туристов. Уникальное географическое положение и близость к Китаю создают благоприятные условия для развития туризма.

В области реализуется национальный проект – строительство космодрома «Восточный». Циолковский - единственный город в истории современной России, который за последние десятилетия создается с нуля.

От космодрома "Восточный":

Год основания Владивостока на общей карте сфотографировала:

Продолжаем осматривать павильон Амурской области:

Павильон в виде Албазинского острога:

Рядом с павильоном Амурской области:


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To be continued...

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